Are you experiencing pain after a car accident? Or do you feel numbness or pain along one side of your body?

These are both signs of some common spine conditions, which we’ll explain in detail below. We also share many other examples of spinal disorders and their symptoms.

If you’ve been noticing strange symptoms originating from your back, neck, or tailbone area, read through this list. It may help you find the condition that you’re experiencing. Then, take this information with you and report these symptoms to your local spine specialist.

1. Whiplash

Whiplash is caused by trauma to the spine when the head is quickly jerked (or “whipped”) in a particular direction. This jerking motion is very hard on your neck and can:

  • strain your neck muscles and ligaments
  • cause swelling, stiffness, and pain
  • damage or dislodge vertebrae/discs
  • cause fatigue, dizziness, and headaches

Often, it takes up to 24 hours after the event before you start feeling the symptoms of whiplash. If you do, though, see a spine specialist right away. After you’re appointment, you may be instructed to treat the pain with pain medication and topical analgesics.

2. Herniated or Slipped Disc

You’ve most likely heard of a herniated disc/slipped disc before. The disc referred to here is a cushion of cartilage between each vertebra of your spine. These are there so that the vertebrae don’t scratch against each other.

When we’re young, these cushions are very resilient. But, as we get older, they dry out and become more brittle.

When this happens, enough trauma to your spine can tear or dislodge these discs. This can result in pain, numbness, or tingling in your back, arms, and/or legs. On the other hand, there are sometimes no symptoms at all. 

In any case, if you do notice these symptoms, you will need to consult with a spine specialist right away. It’s possible you will need surgery to correct the situation.

3. Compression Fracture

Cracks and fractures in your vertebrae can be caused by trauma or by weakening due to conditions such as osteoporosis. These are known as compression fractures and are usually very painful. 

Treatment varies based on the patient’s particular situation. Talk to your local spine health specialist if you suspect you have a compression fracture.

4. Sciatica

There’s a nerve that affects all feeling from your lower back down through your legs. It’s known as the sciatic nerve.

Sciatica is a condition in which something is putting pressure on this nerve, causing pain. The pain usually runs along one side of your body, starting at your lower back and going down. Typically, you can treat this condition at home as instructed by your spine doctor.


5. Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis is a condition in which your vertebrae are pressing against the nerves in between them. This can cause numbness, tingling, and pain starting anywhere along your spine. This most often results from osteoarthritis

Are You Suffering From Any of These Spine Conditions?

If you are suffering from any of these spine conditions, we’re here for you. Contact us today to make an appointment with one of our qualified spine specialists.